Changelog ========= v2024.1.1 --------- - Added the :code:`units` argument to :code:`cubo.create()`. - Added support for :code:`scipy.constants` units. v2024.1.0 --------- - Added support for Google Earth Engine. - Added the :code:`gee` argument to :code:`cubo.create()`. - Added support for :code:`stackstac` keyword arguments. - Added the :code:`stackstac_kw` argument to :code:`cubo.create()`. v2023.12.0 --------- - Added preservation via Zenodo. v2023.7.2 --------- - Added :code:`cubo:distance_from_center` coordinate. v2023.7.1 --------- - Replaced :code:`get_all_items` by :code:`item_collection`. v2023.7.0 --------- - Fixed the required datatype of the EPSG code for stackstac `(#4) `_. - Pinned latest versions: :code:`dask>=2023.7.0`, :code:`pandas>=2.0.3`, :code:`planetary_computer>=1.0.0`, :code:`pystac_client>=0.7.2`, :code:`stackstac>=0.4.4`, and :code:`xarray>=2023.6.0`. v0.1.0 ------ - First release of :code:`cubo`!